7:34 PM | Posted in

Do you get confused about the proper way to use a semicolon? Semicolons do not represent a full stop at the end of a sentence, as periods do; rather, they're like the "yellow light" of punctuation marks: they signal a pause between one sentence and the next. You slow down, then stop at the end of the second sentence.

Rule 1. Use a semicolon in place of a period to separate two sentences where the conjunction has been left out.
Call me tomorrow; I will give you my answer then.
They went to the scariest movie they could find; they didn't invite their youngest sister.

Rule 2. It is preferable to use a semicolon before introductory words such as namely, however, therefore, that is, i.e., for example, e.g., or for instance when they introduce a complete sentence. It is also preferable to use a comma after the introductory word.
You will want to bring many backpacking items; for example, sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing will make the trip better.
As we discussed, you will bring two items; i.e., a sleeping bag and a tent are not optional.

Rule 3. Use the semicolon to separate units of a series when one or more of the units contain commas.
This conference has people who have come from Boise, Idaho; Los Angeles, California; and Nashville, Tennessee.
3:13 PM | Posted in

Sisters & Husbands by Connie Briscoe – ISBN: 978-0-446-53489-5  – 273 pages – published by Grand Central Publishing – Hardcover – Reviewed by Yolanda M. Johnson-Bryant; Literary Wonders (www.literarywonders.com) September 29, 2009 – 5 Stars

In Sisters & Husbands, bestselling author Connie Briscoe introduces us to three sisters; Charmaine, Beverly and Evelyn. Even though these sisters share the same DNA, each has their own set of individual problems. 
Charmaine is on her fourth marriage; this time to Tyrone. Even though they are still newlyweds, their marriage is being tested in the form of a step-daughter named Tiffany. Tiffany is Tyrone’s daughter, and although she only visits twice a year, uses her father’s guilt to get whatever she wants. With each visit Tyrone looses all sight of sanity and reasoning. He’s at Tiffany’s every beck and call even if it’s at the expense of his new wife Charmaine and her son. Charmaine tries to be the bigger person, but she’s had about enough.
Kevin has been the love of Evelyn’s life since high school, so it made sense that they would marry and have children and live happily ever after. After two decades of marriage, Kevin starts to lose his mind. Evelyn is sure that it is just male mid-life crisis; that is until Kevin sells his law firm and takes a job at the local Blockbuster movie rental chain, gives away his designer suits and shaves his head bald. Evelyn grows more confused about the man Kevin is becoming. Her faith is shook after she realizes Kevin has committed the ultimate betrayal.
Beverly has walked down the isle more times than she cares to remember. Not being able to go through with any of her weddings, Beverly finds herself headed to the alter once more; again with doubt. This time the unlucky fellow is Julian.  Julian adores Beverly, but becomes somewhat irritated at Beverly’s odd behavior after she finds out that her sister’s lives are not quite what they seem. Instead of living for herself, Beverly uses her sisters as a crutch and an excuse not to wed Julian.
These sisters find that everything done in the dark comes to light and no amount of money or Prada can cure a bad marriage. They share laughter and tears and do their best to be a support to one another.

When Beverly learns that both Charmaine and Eveyln are having major marriage problems she starts to think that maybe it is also her destiny to fail at marriage. The question is, will she realize that she is not her sisters?
Connie Briscoe has done another excellent job in twisting characters and story lines that birth great life lessons.  Sisters and Husbands is a witty yet realistic example of the deception depicted in some marriages today. You’ll be drawn in from the very first page.

12:21 AM | Posted in

Where did you get the idea for The Tribe?

I had just written my first novel titled "Angel Bane" about the apocalypse. The book clocked in at over 275,000 words and close to a thousand pages; took me a year to write it. After I finished this mammoth tome I was told that no publisher would touch it because of the length of the book and that I should write something much smaller and much less controversial. I sat and tried to come up with something with an “Urban Flavor” to it and then somehow The Tribe was born.

Have you always been interested in the paranormal?

Yes. From the time I was a child I was always interested in stories about the paranormal. The Bible was my favorite book as a child.

Do you write or will you write any other genre other than the one you write?

I may write something with a comedic flair to it, but if I do it will be based 

on true life stories.

Do you like to read anything other than paranormal?

Yes. I am an eclectic reader, but I prefer stories that stimulate my imagination. 

Do you have any other work out there besides The Tribe?

I have written three full novels: Angel Bane (unpublished) The Tribe (published) and The Ides of March (unpublished). 

What are you working on now?

I am working on a story called Afterlife, about an eight year old prodigy who grew up in Germany during the Nazi Occupation and World War Two. 

What do you want your readers to take away when they read your books?

That I have the ability to first tell one hell of a story, and then I Entertain, Inspire and Inform.

Will you continue or do another book on the “Silver Eyes”?

I have a sequel in the works. 

Do you have any signings or appearances scheduled for the near future?

No. Believe it or not I am really a very shy person. I just hide it well. 

Are any of your characters true to life characters?

All of my characters are based on real people; sometimes a combination of people. 

Were you ever abducted by aliens?

The Department of Homeland Security prevents me from going into detail on this question.

If you could be one author who would it be?

A better me, but lacking that, Stephen King. 

What else would you like your readers to know about you? 

I am never afraid to “GO THERE” in my stories.

For More on Mr. Townes, contact him at www.gregorytownes.com or email him at tribe@gregorytownes.com.

Thanks Gregory!
2:18 PM | Posted in
Meet Sruthi GohimukkulaSruthi Gohimukkula is a 13 year old 8th grader at The Academy at Lincoln in Greensboro, NC. She is the winner of the 2009 Literary Wonders! Scholarship Project and Scholarship. Read her winning essay below: 

            I think it is very important to vote for the President of the United State. In America, we have freedom. In a lot of countries around the world, the people are still being forced against their will. I believe that America has come a long way to get rid of that kind of stuff. A few decades ago, Americans didn’t have all the freedom we have today. Especially people of color. They were forced to sit in the back, or to go to different buildings or even to do different things. Now, we have the opportunity to choose our leader. And to choose the person who helps make all the decisions. What wouldn’t people back then give to have such an opportunity. I think that we should take an action on this golden chance. To help secure or nation’s future; to help elect someone that can make sure that America is the best country that it can possibly be. Also, in America today, different people have different opinions and views on what should happen and who should make it happen. For example, look at the Palin/McCain campaign versus the Obama/Biden campaign. Both parties have different views, but their goal is the same: to help America succeed. Americans have a tough choice to make, but I think it is important they get to make that choice.
            When you think of the President of the United States, what do you think of? A powerful man whose job is easy and all he does is sit around and watch other people do his job for him? Not quite, in my opinion, having the job of President isn’t easy. The President has so much pressure on him/her.
            The countries problems are blamed on that person, even if they had nothing to do with what was going on that particular moment. They have to make many choices, and although they have help, the little thought that something might go wrong is always bugging them in the back of their head. So what is the President’s job? I think the President’s job is to help the country succeed in whatever they may be doing. If it’s a war, the president should make sure that the troops have whatever they need to ensure success. The president must help the people. Although they cannot help each and every person, they should at least address the bigger issues or problems. That is what I believe is the role of the president.
            If I were President, the first issue that I would vow to solve would probably be health care. Millions of people in America are suffering because they cannot afford a suitable health care plan. Health insurance is a big thing in American Society. Many people cannot afford it, and are therefore living without it. If I were to become President, I would first address this issue because it is such a big deal. Many families are losing a ton of money because they don’t have a good healthcare plan to pay for medical procedures and medicines. Another problem I would address would be the price of oil and gas. We need to find an alternate that our cars can run on besides oil, because obviously, we are running out of oil rapidly. Another problem is the war in Iraq, hundreds of people have lost their lives already, and I think the ward needs to stop, as there is no reason for it to continue. These are the issues I would vow to address if I were to become President of the United States. I think the next president should also address these issues.
            As a minority, I think it is important to vote for a minority candidate for these reasons. A minority candidate can understand what is going in your life. They can improve your rights and can help discrimination against minorities. Some minorities have a good life; they have a family and decent pay, while other minority families are struggling to keep themselves and their families alive. Also, it is hard for minority children to go to colleges that require pay that is high. They may not be educated as well, and therefore cannot get academic scholarships. I go to a school in a minority area, and I see how people in that area live. The houses are very small, some house don’t have windows are the windows are broken, the roof is falling apart. I have many friends who walk to school, because their parents cannot drive them. I think that if we, as minorities, vote for minority candidates, then we can improve all the problems and live a better life.
            I think many of my generation have already realized that we must step up and take action, or else America may fail. We have kid’s voting booths to help kids understand the importance of voting from a young age. On the news the other day, they mentioned that Nickelodeon had a program where kids get to vote for the presidential candidates and tell why they voted for that particular candidate, I think that this program was very effective and showed the difference it can make for our country’s future. Our generation will invent many new things, find new places to drill for oil, find eco-friendly cars, you name it, and we can do it. But I think it’s important that we first understand that America’s future lies in our hands.
            Right now in 2008, we are facing a historical presidential race. Where we could have the first President of color, or we may have the first woman to ever be president. I think this election is one of the biggest elections in history. I also think that regardless of whoever wins, they will make a difference to our country. Both parties have different views, different opinions, but more or less their goal is to help America succeed. For example, although one party wants to stop the war in Iraq and the other party wants to continue with the war, each side has a reason for their action. I think that although they may have different opinions, they can change America. 
12:48 PM | Posted in

I had the pleasure of meeting the "crime fighter" in 2006.  Please find below my mini-interview with Mr. Wooden. Also, read the reviews for his two novels on this blog and also at Literary Wonders!

1. It seems that your books are about crime. What gave you the inspiration to write this genre?

- It's my active imagination. Way before I put pen to paper I would have these various storylines in my head and once I did decide to become a writer, my imagination went into overdrive with plot after plot. Plus, my military experience helped as well as family members being in law enforcement.
2. Are any of your books based on true characters?

- No...strictly non-fiction. Some of the names of my characters are people I know that have consented to me using their name and in some cases, their likeness. Elliot Lucas, the FBI Deputy Director, was a very good friend and mentor up until his death.
3. Do you think you'll ever write for another genre?

- Yes, probably the supernatural genre...maybe a collaboration with a friend and fellow author, Gregory Townes. I'm a huge fan of Mr. Townes. He has a talent for the paranormal/supernatural. I don't do relationship books because I know nothing of relationships or the opposite gender (smiling/laughing).
4. Where you ever a detective?

- No, but I have a brother who used to be a detective. Additionally, during my military time, I was fortunate to do several different types of investigations.
5. Although you write crime, which genre do you enjoy reading the most?

- Mystery/Suspense/Crime is my baby!
6. Will you continue the Kenny Carson series?

- Yes!!! I love writing it and more importantly, the readers love the Kenny 'KC" Carson series. It amazes me how everyone has their favorite character and want me to write a spinoff for this character or that character. Plus, there are tons of stories to tell with Kenny and his cast of characters.
7. What are you working on next?

- My next Kenny Carson novel, Parts Are Parts. A supernatural novel, Of Good and Evil. Plus, I am collaborating with several authors on one novel called Hurt So Much, which is a relationship/suspense thriller.

Additionally, I will start soon on the novel with Gregory Townes. And lastly, working on what I call my baby, introducing my next series. This one is about a female rogue CIA officer. The first novel in the series is called Sasha McCoy, Freelancer. I think it's something different and I'm confident readers will gravitate to Sasha.
8. Do you have any signings or appearances scheduled?

- Not presently. I am busy writing, writing and more writing. But I am available for meetings with book clubs via phone, internet, chat rooms, etc.
9. If you could meet one author, who would it be?

- James Patterson...I have an overly active imagination. I can only imagine what type imagination he has.
10. Anything else you want our reading audience to know about you?

- Yes, I want your support! But my books! (Smile) I love writing and I love readers reading enjoying my storylines. I love to hear your comments, so please email me at jwooden61@yahoo.com. You can also see more of Mr. Wooden at http://www.jwooden.com/
6:48 PM | Posted in
Beneath The Bruises by Dwayne D. Birch – ISBN13:978-1-59309-208-5 ISBN10:1-59309-208-3 – 242 pages – published by Strebor Books – Paperback – Reviewed by Yolanda M. Johnson-Bryant; Literary Wonders (www.literarywonders.com) September 7, 2009 – 5 Stars
            Beneath The Bruises tackles the taboo topic of domestic violence and the affect that it has on many families.  In Beneath the Bruises, Dwayne D. Birch introduces us to Syreeta Colette Taylor. Syreeta is the typical suburban mother and doting wife to Randall “Randy” Michael Taylor III. And like many women across the world, across color lines, across social economical statuses, Syreeta is secretly, the victim of domestic violence.
            Mr. Birch takes you into the emotional turmoil of one woman’s story of entrapment, insecurities, helplessness, hopelessness and her duty to her children; no matter what the price may be.
            Randy’s years of constant verbal and physical abuse have taken its toll on Syreeta and her five children. She is constantly walking around on eggshells, knowing that Randy could explode at any moment. Can she afford to continue to pretend that the name calling, the de-programming and the black eyes aren’t real?
            Surprisingly, not significant to most abusers, Randy allows Syreeta to see a psychologist, sure that the counselor would side with him in convincing Syreeta that she is the reason for the abuse; that she is the problem.
            Through her sessions with Dr. Curtis, Syreeta finally begins to see that she is not at fault for her husband’s abuse. He helps her see it is not her problem to deal with, but Randy’s and Randy’s only.
            Syreeta begins to see the light and slowly but surely starts to stand up for herself, but will it be at a cost? Will it cost her children? Will it cost her lifestyle? Or will it cost her life? It isn’t until one night after being beaten nearly within an inch of her life that Syreena says enough is enough. But is it too late?
            Any reader of this fiction but true to life novel, is sure to experience emotions of disbelief and disdain one way or another. Dwayne D. Birch clearly delivers a message that states domestic violence is unacceptable in any situation, whether it be physical, emotional or verbal.
            Cheers to this author, Dwayne D. Birch, for Beneath The Bruises, who relays the message to women that regardless of their circumstances they don’t have to become one of the women who die annually at the hand of their abusers. It shows that they can make it out, they just have to let go of their fear and want to get out. This is an awesome story and needed to be told. I’m so glad that it was told by a man!

The author can be reached at bshatteredsouls@cs.com and http://www.freewebs.com/dywanebirch/reviews.htm
9:56 PM | Posted in
3:56 PM | Posted in
     I've been in this literary game for almost fifteen years and seldom have I seen writers that target small children and teenagers. Well, until now. I put a call out on Facebook asking for some authors in these genres to come forward. 
     I was blown away to find out that there are many young adult authors out there. I'm still waiting for more children authors to come forward. 
     I'd like to showcase these authors and their work on the Literary Wonders! site and The Author's Hideaway. 
     So often we as adults get caught up with adult reads, we tend to forget about the little ones and I am on a mission. 
     In the future I plan on setting up a book fair with prodominately children, tween and teen writers for the  young children here in Greensboro. If it is successful as I would like, I'll take it nationwide. 
     You know how we as adults get excited going to book events, meeting new authors and writers and getting their book? Imagine the smile on a child's face if allowed to do the same thing. 
     If anyone is interested in joining in with me to make this happen in 2010, let me know. I welcome the help; the right help. Find below some young adult authors and their work. 

