5:41 PM | Posted in
I had to admit that it felt so good sleeping all day yesterday. The thunderstorms really put me in a tranquil state. I slept like a baby, but then 2 a.m. came and I found myself not being able to go back to sleep after the loud pop of thunder shook the house.

I had so many ideas in my head. Some things from my dreams, and other thoughts that had been roaming around in my head.. Ideas for more books; more stories.

After eating a bowl of cheerios and drinking some hot cocoa with plenty of plush marshmallows, I decided to go into my office and write. I wrote for a while, did a little reading, more writing, some research and more writing.

Before I knew it, it was 4 a.m. I wanted to stay up, but I knew if I did, I'd be sleep for pretty much part of the day; again. So I decided to take a nap and set my alarm for 7:45am this morning.

When the alarm went off (my alarm tone is the NFL theme music) I got up, got dressed and headed out the door. I ran some errands and came back and was surprised to find that I was still in the writing mood.

My fingertips glided across the keyboard like poetry in motion. And as I was typing until my heart's content, I got an idea for a new novel. I wrote the idea down on my idea board... Then I got another! I wrote it down....

I already have my 2009 anthology pegged, and hadn't planned on starting 2010 until the Spring. So I revisited an idea to co-author a novel with another author. I got to messing around on my FB page and walla! Let's just say expect to see the end result of a best seller in a few months.

I am so excited about this new venture; so excited that it gave me motivation to finish the sequel to "Circumstances". A lot of folks are hemming and hawing that I waited so long to do this sequel and believe me, I'm a bit mad at myself. But my goal is to have it released no later than December. Wish me luck!


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